Lawton Tenor (1980's) Lawton 7* BS
Here is an original, 1980’s Lawton 7 Star BS tenor piece. This mouthpiece measures .103” on my gauge.
Geoff Lawton was a long time designer and manufacturer of very well made saxophone mouthpieces in the UK. He began as a saxophone player and began producing pieces by the 1960’s until his death in 2003. He frequently improved his own designs and added more and more options for players looking for something special compared to the mass produced pieces that were found everywhere by the 1980’s.
The BS model baffle is high, with a straight slope down to a change of angle about half way along the window where a less steep slope goes down into a medium-large chamber. Some examples have a step down from the second slope into the chamber. The “S” designates Lawton’s “high resonance” chamber.
We prefer to sell our vintage mouthpieces in their original or existing condition and let the customer choose what to do with it. We can offer a 10% discount on our services for customization, please request by email at