Here is a vintage 1980's Otto Link "Tone Edge" mouthpiece for tenor. This piece is stamped 8 and measures .111" on my gauge.
In the early 1980's, JJ Babbitt started changing the design they had been using in the late 70's in favor of in house designs. They also began implementing a numeric control system to distinguish their core molds. On this particular mouthpiece it is marked with a "1" under the table inside the core of the mouthpiece.
It took me a second to find out more about this particular mouthpiece. What I was told is that it was bought from Bob Ackerman's Progressive Winds shop in the late 90's. I saw that it had thin rails and conservative tip work and a lovely decorative band with the initials TLZ. I believe this to be the work of Tom Zappe who is a musician and mouthpiece refacer.